Awakenings: A 99 Day Immersion into the 99 Names of Allah

The Prophet ﷺ said, “God has ninety-nine names, whoever preserves them enters eternal bliss." For 1500 years mystics, philosophers, metaphysicians, and poets have spilled oceans of ink in exposition of the meaning of these words. While the divine essence is transcendent beyond any mental conception, the Names provide pathways to know and draw near to Allah. TheNames, as al-Ghazali put it, “are doors to proximity.” We can awaken each Name within ourselvesthrough increased contemplation and invocation. As we deepen our relationship with the Names wecome to witness them all around us and within us, until we see all of existence as an expression of the Divine Names.

Curriculum Overview:

    1. Awakenings Syllabus

    2. Welcome | Awakenings

    3. Approaching the Daily Meditations

    4. Keys to the Unseen

    5. Al-takhalaq bi-akhlaq Allah

    6. The 99 Names

    1. 1 | Allah

    2. 2 | Rahman

    3. 3 | Raheem

    4. 4 | Malik

    5. 5 | Quddus

    6. 6 | Salaam

    7. 7 | Mumin

    8. 8 | Muhaymi

    9. 9 | Aziz

    10. 10 | Jabbaar

    11. 11 | Mutakabbir

    12. 12 | Khaaliq

    13. 13 | Baari

    14. 14 | Musawwir

    15. 15 | Ghaffaar

    16. 16 | Qahhaar

    17. 17 | Wahhaab

    18. 18 | Razzaaq

    19. 19 | Fattaah

    20. 20 | Alim

    21. 21 | Qaabid

    22. 22 | Baasit

    23. 23 | Khaafid

    24. 24 | Raafi

    25. 25 | Mu'izz

    26. 26 | Muthil/Muzil

    27. 27 | Sami

    28. 28 | Basir

    29. 29 | Hakam

    30. 30 | Adl

    31. 31 | Latif

    32. 32 | Khabeer

    33. 33 | Halim

    34. 34 | Azim

    35. 35 | Ghafur

    36. 36 | Shakur

    37. 37 | Ali

    38. 38 | Kabir

    39. 39 | Hafiz

    40. 40 | Muqit

    41. 41 | Hasib

    42. 42 | Jalil

    43. 43 | Karim

    44. 44 | Raqib

    45. 45 | Mujib

    46. 46 | Wasi

    47. 47 | Hakim

    48. 48 | Wadud

    49. 49 | Majeed

    50. 50 | Ba'ith

    51. 51 | Shahid

    52. 52 | Al Haqq

    53. 53 | Wakil

    54. 54 | Qawiyy

    55. 55 | Matin

    56. 56 | Wali

    57. 57 | Hamid

    58. 58 | Muhsi

    59. 59 | Mubdi

    60. 60 | Al-Mu'id

    61. 61 | Muhyi

    62. 62 | Mummit

    63. 63 | Hayy

    64. 64 | Qayyum

    65. 65 | Waajid

    66. 66 | Majid

    67. 67 | Waahid

    68. 68 | Ahad

    69. 69 | Samad

    70. 70 | Qaadir

    71. 71 | Muqtadir

    72. 72 | Muqaddim

    73. 73 | Mu'akhir

    74. 74 | Awwal

    75. 75 | Aakhir

    76. 76 | Zaahir

    77. 77 | Baatin

    78. 78 | Waali

    79. 79 | Muta'ali

    80. 80 | Barr

    81. 81 | Tawwab

    82. 82 | Muntaqim

    83. 83 | Afuww

    84. 84 | Ra'uf

    85. 85 | Malikal Mulk

    86. 86 | Dhul Jalali Wal Ikraam

    87. 87 | Muqsit

    88. 88 | Jaami

    89. 89 | Ghani-Mughni

    90. 90 | Mani

    91. 91 | Darr

    92. 92 | Nafi

    93. 93 | Nur

    94. 94 | Hadi

    95. 95 | Badi

    96. 96 | Baaqi

    97. 97 | Waarith

    98. 98 | Rasheed

    99. 99 | Saboor

The Prophet ﷺ said, “God has ninety-nine names, whoever preserves them enters eternal bliss.

  • $199.00
  • 105 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content
  • Instructor: Baraka Blue

Course Summary:

Taking the great Sufi sages as our guides, this course is designed to take you on a deep dive through all Ninety-Nine Names over the course of ninety-nine days and nights. You will have access to audio commentary and guided meditations for each specific Name. Using this as a guide, participants are encouraged to write a reflection on each Name exploring the way it presents itself in the world and within yourself. We will also consider the ways prophets and sages have exemplified the perfection of these Names and contemplate their advice on the ways to awaken them in ourselves.