The Ocean in a Drop: The Poetry and Philosophy of Rumi

An immersion into the poetry and teachings of the world's greatest mystical poet.

No one has united the qualities of spiritual master and literary genius to a greater extent than Jalaludeen Rumi. Rumi is one of the world’s most celebrated mystical poets and spiritual teachers. He wrote not just to entertain or inspire, but to draw his readers and listeners to a higher state of consciousness and self realization.

Curriculum Overview:

    1. Welcome to “The Ocean in a Drop”.

    2. Rumi Course Syllabus

    1. 1 | Reader

    2. 1 | Context: Rumi: Life & Works

    3. 1 | Text: The Song of the Reed (First 18 Lines of Mathnawi)

    4. 1 | Exercise: Rumi & Shams: Transformative Relationships

    5. 1 | Listenings

    1. 2 | Reader

    2. 2 | Context: Rumi in the West (Popular Translations and Misunderstandings)

    3. 2 | Exercise: The Spirit and the Ego: A Conversation Between the Levels of the Self.

    4. 2 | Text: Rumi’s Spiritual Psychology: Heart, Nafs, The Spirit, Intellect

    5. 2 | Supplementary Reader

    1. 3 | Text: The Beloved and Her Veils

    2. 3 | Context: Community: Sufi Lodge, Order, The Shaykh and Companionship

    3. 3 | Exercise: The Beloved and Her Veils

    4. 3 | Supplementary Reader

    5. 3 | Reader

    1. 4 | Text: Ecstasy & Intoxication

    2. 4 | Context: Symbolism of Sema

    3. 4 | Exercise: The Beloved: Haqiqi & Majazi (Divine & Human)

    4. 4 | Reader

    5. 4 | Supplemental Readings

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 22 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content
  • Instructor: Baraka Blue

Course Summary:

The Ocean in a Drop course will engage you in reading and reflection on the major themes, metaphors and symbols Rumi used to enlighten his listeners to the nature of the world and the human soul. The course is broken up into 4 sections and is designed for you to move through at your own pace. In addition to a close reading of Rumi's poetry, we will explore his life, his relationship with Shams, the Sema (whirling ceremony), and the Sufi order he established.